If you’re interested in applying for funding for an art installation bound for the Florida en Fuego event in Xanadu City, you must first submit a Letter of Intent (LOI).

Every year Florida en Fuego issues a small number of grants for the purpose of partially funding specific art projects for display or projects that fall into live art performances, seminars, workshops, training ie. education at Xanadu. We look for work that stands on its own as a physical, sculptural installation or independent performances or activities, although these may accompany the installation.

It’s important to know that making artwork for Xanadu is very challenging, due to the difficulties inherent in creating anything in a harsh wilderness setting with unpredictable weather, high winds, etc.
Being a Xanadu Honoraria artist requires a significant time investment, including several mandatory meetings and the ability to adhere to firm deadlines.

How to Submit a Letter of Intent
If you’re interested in applying for an Honoraria grant for an art installation or interactive performance art project bound for Xanadu, you MUST first submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). The Letter of Intent will allow the Grant Committee to select which projects will be invited to participate in the full grant proposal process.

Your email of your Letter of Intent must submitted by March 28th 12am EST.

Late LOIs will not be accepted. The Grant Committee aims to inform artists if they are invited to participate in the full grant application process.

To apply, please make sure you’ve read about the Xanadu Honoraria program, check out the LOI Instructions and FAQ below, and submit your LOI to art@floridaenfuego.org

Preview of Letter of Intent Questions

Our Letter of Intent form will give you the opportunity to provide us with the following information:

Name of contact person, contact person’s phone number, email address, and mailing address.
Name of proposed art installation
Name of the lead artist (if different from the contact person)
Name of artist group or collective (if applicable)
Project website (optional)
Artist group or collective website (optional)
Current status of installation (proposed concept or existing artwork)
Brief project summary (300 characters)
Physical description and interactivity (1500 characters, which is about 250 words or 1 double-spaced page)
Description of how the installation fits the mission of Florida en Fuego Arts (1500 characters)
Description of the philosophy of the installation (1500 characters)
Estimated funding request
Estimated total budget
Desired location (in Xanadu City)
One to three images (drawing, sketch, photo, etc.)

It’s mandatory that you submit your proposal through our online process; we will not accept hard-copy/paper applications.

The online LOI application for our Honoraria grants will be due April 1st 12am EST. Selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal before the April 14th. Full proposals are accepted by invitation only, and will be due by April 16th . (exact date TBA – expected to be approximately a week after invitation).

Late or incomplete Letters of Intent will not be accepted. No exceptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why does Florida en Fuego Arts use an LOI process?

A. We understand that submitting a full grant proposal can be time consuming. The LOI is a much shorter application, which will save everyone time and effort.
Also to make sure your proposal matches our stated criteria. With the LOI process, if your proposed installation isn’t a good fit for the program you won’t have spent the time on a full proposal.

Q. When is the deadline to submit an LOI?

A. Your email for your LOI must be received by April 1st at 12am EST. Late LOIs will not be accepted. No exceptions.

Q. Who can submit an LOI?

Individuals, artist collectives or groups, and established 501(c)(3) organizations are all eligible and welcome to apply.
Grants are for the creation of interactive artworks that are destined for installation at Xanadu City.
We fund art installations from artists across the globe. There are no geographic restrictions on who can apply.
If you’ve applied for or received a Florida en Fuego grant previously, you may apply again.

Q. If I don’t submit an LOI by the deadline, is there any other opportunity for me to receive funding for my art from Florida en Fuego?

A. No. You must submit an LOI to be considered for funding. If you submit an LOI and you aren’t invited to submit a full proposal, we would still love for you to bring your art to Xanadu! Please check back in the Spring to fill out the Art Installation Questionnaire.

Q. May I submit more than one Letter of Intent?

A. Yes! Our application system allows you to submit multiple LOIs if you have more than one project you are interested in sharing.

Q. I have a technical question or a problem with the form. Can you help?

If you’re experiencing an error, it’s helpful to let us know what browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.) and operating system (Mac, Windows) you are using. Contact us at website help.

Q. What are the technical requirements for submitting an LOI? Can I submit it from my phone?

A. Email the questions/details listed above to art@floridaenfuego.org

Q. Will I have a chance to include images with my LOI?

A. Yes! In fact, we require you to submit at least one image which can be a drawing, sketch, photo, etc. You may also submit a video in addition to an image. If you have a maquette, please submit a photo of it. We will only be accepting physical maquettes at the full proposal stage.

Q. Can I start the LOI application and then come back to it later?

A. No

Q. By submitting an LOI, am I obligated to create a full proposal if invited?

A. No. We understand that circumstances change, and you are certainly allowed to  withdraw your LOI or decline the invitation to submit a full proposal.

Q. Does my art installation have a better chance of being funded if it’s related to the theme?

A. No. We welcome proposals for art installations that are related to the theme or not related to the theme.

Q. My project is easily scalable. I’m not sure what level of funding to request.

A. Please estimate the amount it would take for you to realize your vision. If your project is scalable, you’ll have an opportunity to describe various levels of funding in the full grant application.

Q. Can the expected budget change if/when we submit a full proposal?

A. Yes. We know concepts and budgets can evolve from inception to actual grant proposal, and will ask more detailed budget questions in the full art grant application.

Q. Who will review the LOIs?

A. We have a committee who has knowledge what’s involved creating art at Xanadu. This committee leverages their personal experience and time to assure a good experience for all.

Q. What can I expect if my LOI is accepted and I’m invited to submit a full proposal?

A. Once you are notified, you will have to submit your proposal with the online application form. We anticipate the deadline will be four weeks after the invitation to participate. Payments are made typically four weeks after the first payment. Florida en Fuego retains a performance deposit which is paid post-event.

Q. Who do I contact with further questions?

A. Please be sure to read above Honoraria FAQ for more information about the grant program. You can send any other questions to art@floridaenfuego.org. We’ll try to be as helpful as we can and answer each email individually.