Contact Us:
Julie Mills
I was introduced to the Burning Man ethos in 2003 when my sister traveled to Black Rock City to marry her soul mate. Upon her return she invited me to join her at a small Decompression party in Central Florida called Gator Burn. The party was about 150 people, I knew then that I had found my home. Shortly after that, I attended Transformus in NC (2005). I was hooked. By 2008 I made my own pilgrimage to BRC for the year of ‘American Dream’. Music and Painting are my artistic outlets and there is nowhere else I would rather work or play than at a Burn. I considers Burningman Ethos and the 10 Principals as a way of life and carry that spirit of it with me every day. I has worked as Team Lead for Gate and Parking at Transformus, and organized or co-organized several theme camps at different events including Short-Attention-Span-Theatre (Tfus, Afterburn), PandaMotion (Tfus), and Mixed Elixir (Euphoria, Pre-Heat,& Afterburn). Nothing pleases me more than guiding people into the magical reality of the burns, whether it be through Gate volunteering, or gifting them an unforgettable theme camp experience. BURN IT!
My hope is to contribute experience and education to this burn, I believe that educating each other with what we have all learned through our individual experiences is the key to a successful and thriving community. No burner should ever pass through our gate without a good awareness of their environment and its challenges, what their civic responsibility should be to our community, and finding out that you only get what you Give, and sometimes you get it back 10 fold.
Kim Lynn
a.k.a. Edible Orgasm
Founding Board Member & Volunteer Appreciation Coordinator
We have been feeling the need along with the community to start another burn that is more community driven, with a stronger focus on spreading our philanthropy in the larger art community, outside the “Burn Community”. We have heard people in our community over the last few years express their wants and desire and have found that the best, only way to achieve all of our goals is to start fresh with another regional in North Florida. It is our dream to do a kid friendly, diverse event. We have volunteers, leadership from all over the country help us to achieve our event. It is our hope that by bringing Burners from all over together will give everyone a true sense of the Burning Man community and spirit. We hope to inspire a 10 principled community and community space where we can build a handicapped accessible play ground, splash pad, and tree houses. An arts and botanical gardens that we can rent to out for other event as fundraisers for our org. With this in mind we have rented out Xanadu to other events for direct donations to our non profit LLC Florida en Fuego.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
— Theodore Roosevelt, 1910
Fed the cool-aide from birth, and raised on the 10 Principles she was destine to become what she is today!
Bash ( Sebastian Gomez) has been Burning since 2001, and returned to the playa 16 times since. He’s been a North Carolina Burning Man Regional Contact since 2008, and a prior Fire conclave lead at Transformus. He headed Cape Sphere ( theme camp) project for several years, and has helped produce Mayhem- an annual burn fundraiser event for 6 years, ‘runnin da guts and herding dem cats’. He secretly loves Excel, the number 9, adores pet rats, and his favorite color is Orange. he can throw knives with his feet, and eats expired food for entertainment purposes. For a non native Floridian to On the board of FEF may seem odd, But it is an honor and joy to help assist in advice, ideas, and general friendship wherever I can fit in. Thanks for having me!
David Hoover
“Florida en Fuego is a blessing to Florida Burner Culture. Let’s make it amazing!”
Micah R. Spain
I was pre exposed to the ‘kitty cult’ PLF years before finally attending my ‘virgin burn’ mudformus of 2014. I was given the opportunity to explore some talents in organizing as stage hand and kitty wrangler for tfus 2015 and immediately following performing at floydfest with PLF, that summer. I also attended ignite May of 2015. I like fire…. around ALL of my bits…. eat it, spin it, watch it, flow with it. I have been networking and online blogging, crafting, making all the things, doing all the things for at least 10 years. I was running children’s ministries for a non-denomination Christian church (my dad made me go to church till I was 18) from the time I was in middle school till I left for college to pursue art and journalism. I have been a dancer since the age of 6 (ballet) and currently still use my expertise in a more risqué form as my profession. I found the light of flow when I met my best friend who introduced me to PLF about 4-6 years ago, and she made me her protégé in the flow performance world. I love incorporating ballet in most of my performances. I have a million ways to express myself and use many outlets, and have many passions; there are many facets to my stone. Trying to glean who I am from the snapshot you see this instant is going to under-represent who I am. And the same goes for you. I might be many things, but despite what I appear to be or who you think I am, there is no single identity that defines me, because I am The Flux, the state of change, the evolution toward something greater than myself! My main passions are knowledge/people, lifting, learning, growing, sharing and helping. I want to change the world for the world. I currently dislike most of modern day society’s pressures, and idealisms, outdated norms, contradictory sexisms, and conforming to bull crap ideas about success. I am enamored with the BM ethos, charity, and community. I am home around this community, and want to find it everywhere I go. Let’s burn, let’s grow, and let’s explore, all the universe has to offer us. I like talking about quantum physics in astral projection, sacred geometry, herbal remedies, and newborn animals. I can probably light something on fire with my toes. I sometimes flick my boogers at passing cars. I love the 2 sayings:
The entire universe is a playground.
Nothing in life is permanent except for change, which is the only thing constant in permanence; change, flow, energy.
:: standing ::
Hi, my name is Doug and I…. am a burner.
Been one for most of my life I guess… “came out” when I met the Colorado crew at the 2005 Apogaea. Since then my life hasn’t been the same. Now-a-days I crave community, art and collaboration. I expect things to be wonderful and ethical wherever I go…
But alas… I am often disappointed 🙁
Default world, they call it. “How can you reach for the sky if you are always looking at your feet?” I ask.
This brings me to why I do this and included in this group. As the south Florida Regional contact for the Burning Man organization I offer to our group/event my representation and responsibilities thereof. I will guide us in a direction that is in line with the BM ethos and standards while staying true to our local community. I will be your sponsor when it comes time to engage with BMHQ and request regional status. I will be your champion thru out the entire process.
Yes – I have drank the cool aide and see life in our TAZ thru rose colored glasses.
I am looking forward to working with our rock-star cast and create one amazing fucking event that will be talked about nationwide.
Now, fuck yer day and let’s get on with it!
:: steps off soapbox ::
Jay Sandage
Service Animal coordinator
Unity Coordinator
Peanut Gallery Lead
Active at: being human on this planet since 1987. Former Regional Coordination Assistant at Burning Man, Former Minstrel of Peace at We Care Volunteers, Former Volunteer Coordinator at Morris Burner Hostel, Studied Liberal arts education at Burning Man, Studied Vocal Performance at Missouri Baptist University